Monday, 7 February 2011


Ok, so I am having these super rich inspirational attacks which I would LOVE to share with everyone just because I am a Libra moon and love to judge myself and live through the feedback and added ideas and opinions of others :)

I have boiled shit down towards action plan:

I need to take a few classes, let's face it:
Earring making
Soap, Lotion, Shampoo and Conditioner making

And that will be all for now. So, I am in London, will be in Italy in a few weeks, then back in India for two months, and then to the U.S. can anyone help me find places at reasonable prices, where I might be able to take these classes? You can even suggest places in Seattle since I remember there being a very well known school.

From India I will search out and bring back to the states with me:

Ayurvedic base oils for lotions and shampoos etc.,
Essential oils (can anyone recommend any companies or people to connect with?)
Silk cloths (for aromatherapy eye pillows) plus maybe kadi, (cotton weave) for the inside pack
and other cloths for making clothes
precious gems
AND pillow covers, curtains, and bamboo mats to sell for developing all of this

Boiling it down, now I need to find the places to do this and find these things.

I am also thinking about labels, I would love to make organic paper labels that are collage looking...

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